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Cat Café Simulator

My role in the project:
  • Team Lead

    • Scrum master

    • Communicationn between the integrators and the others designers

    • Organize the sprint reviews

  • Game Design

    • Determine the game phases and their outcomes

    • Design the gameplay loop

    • Feedback to the player and game feel

  • Programmer

    • UI integration ​​​

    • Support for collision detection


  • Aim for an quiet pace while adding a bit of challenge

  • Multiple iterations for making coffee who are a central element:

    • Clarity

    • Sequential​ or simultaneous




Cat Café Simulator is a prototype created in the Unity engine during the 3rd semester of the BAC in Video Game Creation. The original idea was imagined by a colleague who was then joined by five other students to iterate and make it their own. For production, the team had nine weeks before presenting the prototype to a committee of industry designers.


In Cat Cafe Simulator, the player must take care of his newly opened establishment. You will have to devote yourself to your cats who wander around the premises and serve coffee to customers who come to enjoy the experience.


A day lasts 8 minutes. At the end of this, it is possible to buy a new cat. See it as a reward and a challenge.  After all, you can pet this new kitty but you will also have to take care of its needs. We therefore increase the difficulty at our own pace, as the days go by with new residents.



The way that cats work is separated into two sections: navigation and needs. For the first, a cat has a coordinate grid where it is possible to go. If a cat is already present, then the location is removed from the list of available locations.

Concerning the desires of felines, there are four: to be cuddled, to play, to drink and to eat. Each requires an action on the part of the player to fill the need. Cuddling simply requires interaction with nothing in hand and the rest requires bringing an object to the cat (ball of yarn, water, food).


Coffee making has gone through several iterations. First, the player only had to activate the machine so that a full cup appeared and then add the additional ingredients requested by the customer.

The current version has been designed to further sequence the task and slow down the flow. Indeed, making coffee making take more steps, as in reality, brings us closer to the simulation pillar of our project.


Customers enter the establishment randomly following an interval of a minimum and maximum duration of 30 to 50 seconds. A backend manager send events to tells them which places are available. If no place is free, then there are no new customers.

Once seated, the customer places an order to be carried out by the player with the quantity of additions they want. Black coffee equals zero sugar and zero milk.

There is a 50% probability that the customer will ask for a second coffee, then 25% for a third, etc. The customer can only pet a cat if it is on its way out. All customers leave the café at the end of the day.

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