Spiral - Writer's Knot
My role in the project:
Developing the tone of the narration with my colleague Roman Cros
Develop the ethos of secondary characters
Staging dialogues to support missions
Collaboration with character artists
Writing dialogues
Cutscene storyboard
Responsiveness to follow the evolution of Level Design needs
Match the humorous tone of the project
At that time, biggest team I had
Story Rich
Spiral is a project developed using the Unreal Engine 4 by Folklore Games. I joined the team as part of my final-year internship in Création de jeux vidéo. My involvement lasted 4 months of full-time work.
(Scene 14)
Play as a delightfully dumb seagull, find food and complete quests to help free the Grand Masters and gain their powers. Harrass humans and free the Pohemeda Islands from the evil Food Inc. with your powerful poop and loud screams!
Level Design
Throughout development, Roman and I adjusted and provided materials for the different missions in Guano. Very often, an order would come to us with the constraints (mechanics, environments, etc.) and we would have to produce a narrative context in return. This had to include the character who gives the quest and the dialogues which clearly indicate the objectives of the mission. Over time, certain characters have been associated with a certain mission archetype. For example, it makes more sense that our handywoman Dr. Squawkson asks you to test her flying buoys, untested of course.
Also, it was our task to ensure that the overall story adjusted to the rapidly changing size of the Pohemeda Islands.

The script (and therefore the dialogue lines) preceded the level design for this level. As a result, the proposed level had to work in tandem with the pacing established by the narrative.
Bernard is lost in thought about how to approach Emily
Convey to the player that Bernard’s latest book is divisive
- Encounter with a fan
Harsh critique on the radio
Block access to the park with a family taking a photo, giving enough time for this interaction
Draw attention toward the park and Emily
Bernard joins Emily, who seems eager to avoid talking about herself.
Establish a slow pace that will gradually accelerate as the level progresses
The sky features clouds on the horizon, foreshadowing upcoming troubles
Add to Bernard's frustration about his latest book
A jostle forces us to pick up our notes
This causes a moment of release and creates an opportunity to briefly reconnect and open up with our friend
The greenhouse provides a moment of respite for the two characters, where Bernard once again notices the growing distance between himself and his friend.
Multiple interactions to emphasize this point
An open, less guided space
The presence of whimsical vistas parallels Bernard's longing to reclaim the Emily he knows

Upon seeing a kite, Bernard gets the idea of making one with Emily again (as in previous levels). After repeatedly urging Emily to draw, she snaps and runs off as the rain intensifies into a downpour.
Requires the creation of a mini-game: hidden objects (refer to the completed game design) for kite pieces
The weather gradually darkens
The downpour escalates to a breaking point
Bernard runs after Emily. The radio reveals that Emily is suffering from an illness, explaining the illustrations that were poorly received. Bernard catches up to Emily and promises to be there for her.
The tension builds as the environment closes in
The radio broadcast returns, relentlessly pressing on
A release occurs again upon learning about Emily's illness
The rain eases, shifting from a violent storm representing Emily's anger to one reflecting the prevailing sadness

Technical Design
Mini-Game for Kite Pieces
V1 - Search and Find
Too static
Creates a disconnect with the scene
Difficult to notice the appearance of new pieces
Does not feel rewarding to find items
V2 - Hidden Objects
Inspired by this type of game but with adjustments
Emphasis on the environment
Allows for the creation of intimate mini-scenes and showcases the talent of our artists
Movable objects and fake hiding spots in the environment
Remove scoring
Duration aligns with narrative segments
In this case, after finishing one scene, the player chooses the next

The final version works with an area featuring a predetermined camera (BP_KiteZone) that contains kite pieces (hiddenParts) and movable objects (movingParts).

Le joueur·euse a le choix de la scénette qu'iel veut commencer. On ne peut refaire plusieurs fois la même.

Après certains dialogues, on force la fin du jeu caché actuel et invite le joueur·euse au suivant.

La fin du mini-jeu s'enclenche lorsqu'Emily laisse enfin parler ses émotions.

Le joueur·euse a le choix de la scénette qu'iel veut commencer. On ne peut refaire plusieurs fois la même.

Initialement, les morceaux sont invisibles.

Une fois entrée, la caméra change et les interactions sont autorisées. Les morceaux deviennent visibles.

Pour plus d'options, il est possible de dicter le mouvement des objets selon une translation ou un trajet.

Initialement, les morceaux sont invisibles.