Spiral -Third Roleplaying Game
My role in the project:
Level Designer
Designed two levels from start to finish
Scene 14
Scene 16
Collaborated with level and prop artists (surtout Sophie Payette et Thomas Chevrolet)
Technical Designer
Implemented the combat system programmed by Justin Renaud-Gélinas
Refactored and optimized Blueprints
Bug fixing
Two distinct environments to work with
Considering Bernard’s degeneration in level design and feedback
Creating the feeling of playing a role-playing game
Arrived at the end of the project, achieve the established LD standard and keep it consistent
Story Rich
Spiral is a project developed using the Unreal Engine 4 by Folklore Games. I joined the team as part of my final-year internship in Création de jeux vidéo. My involvement lasted 4 months of full-time work.
(Scene 16)
Spiral is a third-person narrative exploration game that shares a poetic vision of cognitive degeneration. Step into the shoes of Bernard as you help him and support him while braving his unravelling mind and reliving his most treasured moments.
Level Design
In this level, our protagonist Bernard meets his friends Luna, Wren, and Danny at the diner for a game of Castles & Creatures (C&C). They are all now well into adulthood. The player will then follow the group on the game map as if they were part of it. Due to Bernard's mental decline, he often mixes up the sequence of events and names. The game abruptly ends when a kitchen fire breaks out because Bernard forgot to set a timer.

Les deux environnements présents dans ce niveau sont le diner et la carte de C&C. Pour faciliter la lecture et le guidage du joueur·euse, j'ai séparé la partie C&C par élévation. Je me suis également assurer que le regard soit toujours attiré par le phare qui est le point le plus haut et nous rappelle ainsi notre objectif de l'atteindre. On le voit bien au début, après le premier combat ainsi qu'en arrivant au pont devant son île.
Également, il y a une séparation par étage du phare sur mon plan. Initialement, nous devions voir le feu se déclarer ainsi que voir le diner abimé par celui-ci. Le tout a été remplacé par une cinématique 2D réalisé par Joanie Cournoyer.

Bernard forgets to start a timer for the pie in the oven.
Must convey Bernard's confusion
Changing objectives: the timer becomes "bring back utensils"
- A fusion between Wren's garage, where the scenes took place, Danny's diner, and a campfire.

Camp & Forest
The group of adventurers is sent on a mission by a hamster named Lottie, who was rummaging through their tent. They are then spotted by cheese guards in a boat. A fight ensues.
See the lighthouse mentioned by Lottie at the start
The camp is situated higher than the rest of the level, so nothing obstructs the view
Create a Level Sequence to script the beginning of the fight

After crossing some vines, the group finds themselves in a clearing. Upon leaving it, they cross a bridge to reach the lighthouse.
End of immediate danger after the fight
Open up the space
Return to an area with more exploration and interactive objects
The heroes climb the lighthouse to relight the beacon at its top. They must face the Math Monster.
Optional fight against Chef Cuisto
It is possible to go directly to the final battle

Technical Design
Combat System Implementation
Start with the models from Justin Renaud-Gélinas
Create AI subclasses for:
Cheese guards
Mathematical equations (targeting the correct answer deals damage to the boss; the opposite occurs if wrong)
Factorization to avoid redundancies
Add features
Incorporate narrative during battles
Retain health and mana between battles
Reset upon defeat

AI for MathAnswers and Cheese Guards

Tableau comportant un Vector, les données représentant le code de la scène, la ligne de dialogue de début et puis celle de fin. Le combat poursuit son fonctionnement après les dialogues.

Narration in the Combat System
Math Monster
Configuration of math equations each turn
Correct answer
Destroys all answer choices
Deals damage to the Math Monster
Incorrect answer or at the end of the heroes' turn:
The entire team takes damage as punishment
Decorator for exponents and subscripts in the UI for math formulas
Automatic end after a certain number of turns

Début du combat ainsi que les actions à faire à la fin de celui-ci. Après trois tentatives, on force la fin du niveau.

On voit ici la réinitialisation du combat en cas de défaite.

Début du combat ainsi que les actions à faire à la fin de celui-ci. Après trois tentatives, on force la fin du niveau.
Boss Fight Setup

Méthode appelé qui débute et termine les équations ainsi que de retirer le Monstre des Mathématiques du ciblage.

Selon les tours, le Monstre des Mathématiques pose différentes équations avec trois choix possibles.

Répondre correctement blesse le boss et fait disparaitre la question et ses réponses. Une erreur inflige des dégâts de groupe.

Méthode appelé qui débute et termine les équations ainsi que de retirer le Monstre des Mathématiques du ciblage.
Configuration of equations & their consequences